Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Swing Lindy Workshop - Intermediate

From Charles and Kristein 

1. Swing out- linear vs. circular 

2. Stretch Boeing Boeing with tension 
    1,2 Stretch & kick step (3&4) ,
    1,2 turn(3&4) & Stop (at five)  

3. Frankie Step 
1) Bow & swing out(twist) -> circle->triple->chacha->twist ->triple turn 
2) Circle-> Shake + double turn (shake) -> triple /watching
3) 1,2, 3&4 (inner turn) point (in)/5, point(out)/6, point(in,in,in) 7&8 

4. Make Kristein happy
Slide(drible) out seven & eight 
shake shake (one two/rock step) -> triple (3,4,5) -> walk/walk(5,6) 
slide(drible)-> shake shake   
slide(drible) -> shake shake 
swing out (slide /5,6) -> walk walk ->triple triple
spin turn (one two  // three triple 3,4,5,6 turn) + 7 &8 

5. Texas (linear/circular triple + triple + (rock step) or (swing out) 

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