Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Jubilee 2009

1. Friday General Session 1
ex) The city of angel: to be a human in God's world is thankful .
Thanksgiving gratitude=belief vs. Ingratitude/unbelief
How to live thankfully,
Thank you God.

2.Friday General Session2
Perception of popular culture by Gave Lyons
ex) Film "Saved"
Survey of perception of Christianity shows people's prejudice about christian. We can say viewpoints by non-christian are as bellows.
- judgmental
- Hypocritical
- Get saved (Converting others)
- Sheltered
- too political

These are misled, mistaken:
- separation from the culture
- uncritical embrace of modernism
We'd better focus on "How to live(Convergence)" by including "Culture"

We have to transform these images; We become a Christian who is:
- relational
- Solution oriented (e.g. His own sun had a "down syndrom", he initiated a happy life of "down syndrom" children to prohibit from being aborted. Because most of "down syndrom"child are not born due to abortion. He gaved the parents a hope and a wisdom.

3. Friday General Session3
Culture maker Story1 "Kiva" by Jesicca
Kiva's business model is basically Micro finance, Micro loan based model.
Kiva basically provides a internet Market place between "Internet loaner" and "Micro finance investment Partner", however "Kiva" is more focusing on building MFI network by connecting human to human network. Their strategy is briefly, "focus on Individual" and "good word" by internet users. For example, internet users created Kivapedia and office in Secondlife for Kiva.

1. Saturday general session1
Roman ch.7
Sin is a destructive power, seductive force against love of father.

2. Saturday General session2
Cultural Maker Story 2 - Bill Strickland
He gave a life, hope and spirit to Pittsburgh Southside District Kids (Most of them are too poor to get good education, or barely educated, and do not have any jobs)
He designed and developed a very special school which is surrounded by bright sunlights, flowers and fountains(water).
He inspired "enthusiasm" from Poor kids.
His book: Make Impossible Possible.

3. Saturday General Session3
Cultural Maker Story 3
Posture(Cultivate/Create) vs. Gesture(Condemn/Critique/Copy/Consume)

3. Saturday Break Session3
Excelling in the Education you wanted: A faith and Culture Devotional by Kelly Kullberg and David Kullberg
John ch.17:03, true vine and root , sustainable tree

4.Saturday Night
-"Become a NEW neighbor"
We'd better care for relationship, love each other.
All of us are equal.
We must love our neighbors as OURSELVES.

-Reconcile all things , a peace and healing
-vocation/calling: Listen to THE CALL
-Reorder Love/Lies -->

-God is a good communicator and our good friend.
= loneliness is inevitable.

5.Small things over and over again makes big difference.
How many hours will it take ? -10,000 hours
- 1hours/day will take 10years, 2 hours will take 15years and 8hours/day will take 4 years.
- Masters require discipline, Discipline requires TIME.
- My 10,000 hours can make NEW capacity

6. Break Session 4: Living Deep in a Shallow world by
1) How do I live --> Mica 3:18
-live justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God
2) Who am I called to show mercy?
3) How do I walk humbly with God

7. Sunday Morning: Every Square Inch by Abraham Kiper
Kingdom is not coming yet but as a witness of coming his kingdom, we must fortaste (gives a taste) for coming life of the kingdom of the God
- Community of generosity, simplicity , and truth

8. Wrap up
1) What is one thing you start doing?
(Think small)
2) What is one thing you stop doing?

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