Saturday, 9 February 2013


Regarding to intelligence,.I would say someone is intelligent if one has three capabilities - collecting "relevant" pieces of information, interpreting them considering involved party's concern/interest and making best decision to meet,  social equilibrium, in other words, at least to draw majority satisfaction.  But among these three capabilities, I would appreciate more about "considering involved party's concern/interest".  (Hmm, this sounds very metaphysical, in short, I appreciate a considerate person.)

We, as a member of society, are surrounded by full of decision making processes - even finding where to hangout, whom to meet, and what to do for fun. As a human being I believe we are natural-born self-ego and lonely even with friends and family. So that one could easily behave and pursue his/her own interest only and try to utilize all the resources as many as possible in order to fulfill his/her desire even including their friends and family members. However, some people are so considerate by putting themselves into other's shoes and suggesting somethings to meet other's satisfaction as well as his/hers. And I believe this attitude could bring more intellectual conversation , even inspire all the involved people and lead to better conclusion when it comes to decision making. This is my understanding of "intelligent people" and I try to be the one and want to win the respect from "intelligent people". 

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